The oh so (not) Glamorous life of a designer

Imagine to sit and draw and create beautiful design for sale in stores ... with a breathtaking view out to the ocean, eagles, whales and seals passing by…

I have often had that thought ...

I am an educated designer at Columbine International Design School, when it existed in Frederiksberg in Copenhagen.
A school that delivered curriculum and diplomas in three different languages. There were high expectations. We started 63 students, but only 18 of us passed!
Today we are, as I know only 2-3 of the students making an actual way of living as designers ....
If you can call what I do just that!
For building a brand requires anything but the design part ...
Here is the reality:
On an ordinary weekday, I wake up to mails. When I reach the shop I start: vacuuming, washing floors, answer phone calls, unpack products, put price tags on, get and send  packages, reply to 20000 mails about anything  possible, serve customers between kl.11.00-17.30, do the cash counting  and later rush home and prepare food, vacuum (again) aire the dog, do laundry, drive kids to or from sports, answer  a few more mails, go to bed and start all over again the next day .... 6 days a week ...

If I a seldom time are at home sick or caring for sick children  (or just at home more than five hours and this does not apply at night) ...   I sneak down and try to draw down some of the ideas that are all times rumbling in my head. I have made many sketches that have never been anything more than that ...  If it has become a design in the end, it ended up as a very graphic blueprint –that  has nothing to do with being creative. But it is the price to build up your own brand.
Designer or not, I have as many laundries to do, vacuuming, office work, etc. as anyone else.  I am surely not complaining maybe just trying to pill off that glorification of the word "designer" ...
 The day I can be a design- diva full-time  (and I mean: the day I do not need  to do anything other than designing), I promise to post a billion pictures of my exciting life of travel, with all the fancy people around the world, my super beautiful drawings (you know the ones made oldschool on paper), pictures of all the stars, using  my design etc.
Until then, you must settle with my own selfies, taken on a deadly Iphone 6's, most often in my town house on an ordinary ikea sofa….

Never the least I design with my heart, and passionately with all the amazing impressions I get from this fantastic country I live in. I hope rest of the world will see my skills, in between laundry, mails and shoveling snow.

Thank you for reading,

    Photo by: Ole Møller Model: Line Makeup: Nataschap  wearing my: Ulla Cardigan.
