Love comes in many shapes...

I met a woman last week - not one I see in my every day life. But she said something to me, that has given me a lot of thoughts on my mind.

I was passing her with my crutches. When passing her she said:

"Really, Louise again with a default ? - Why don´t you just let go of the bad within you? "....

I am not lying when I say I felt like screaming at her, to mind her own business... But I did´nt. I am raised with the belief that you should talk to others the way you wan´t them to talk to you...
So I just smiled at her, and thanked her for the comment. I did´nt get angry I just began to pay more attention to my surroundings.

What was I to let go off?  Or where am I suppressing my feelings.  Or Am I ??
I haven´t been able to find the reason  -yet...

I feel happy, I am In love with my guy, I love my kids. I am a bit stressed out on the job (but aren´t we all)
I think my conclusion to this episode must be not to overthink evrything. Let things happen. Pray for light and love. An as I always am be thankfull for what life brings me.

If my only worry is a brainstorm due to another womans (mis)understood way of interest - I think I am doing quite allright.

Like a really wise woman told me (my Mom) -If you go can away from every situation with grace , youre halfway there.
And be true to whom you are.
And for her comment I will be thankfull for the time she made me stop and think about my blessings in my life.

And with this little story, I wish for you  to have a nice and pleasant weekend.

My Loved ones <3  My Boys, Tobias and Mikkel
