Battle against the extra kilos...

Most of you women know the term Yo-Yo weight. The weight goes up and down following your curve of life. Your ups and downs. My problem is, that for the first time of my life I feel good, looking okay, if I may say so myself, and just were I am supposed to be in my life – but I weigh at least 8 kilos too much!
Before when weighing too much it was attached to my bad mood and comfort eating. So now feeling great and weighing too much is attached to… Ehhmmmm… bad excuses??!!?!
Have I already falling into the happily married doesn´t matter how I look and what I weigh category of elderly women?
My head is spinning going ”no, no no, no ,no”. But after thinking about this for a week – I have decided to go into the battle of the extra kilos. First things first, get my man to join in. Done! With a knee that is still recovering from surgery, my sports options are limited. So for me it is really all about the food, and my self desciplin or lack of same :O
I have looked into different kinds of diets, but for me I think the best way is to cut out white flour, pasta, potatoes and white sugar. More in order to integrate
 ( read: force…) more veggies into my normal diet…

So last week I actually started easing into it, to see if I would last more than a day. One day took the next and a week later I am actually doing okay. I have had one slip… okay one whole day I would rater forget all about, but all in total a good start. I am following new persons on Instagram to get good food tips.
My favorite this week was @frksvenssonfrisk – she has easy recipes and nice photos – text in danish, so if you need someone who writes in english @whatiateforbreakfast is inspiring and easy too. Feel free to educate me with more names I can follow on instagram :)

Now, it would be obvious to post a before photo, in order for you to see my progression as it comes along. But you know what? I don´t feel like it… yet! Instead you get to see some of the food I have been making (i swore I wouldn´t be one of those persons whom posted food photos, but one is allowed to grow and change, right ? ;) )

Buttom line 8 kilos from now, I hope to write a succes story about my battle with the kilos…
If you wanna follow my journey and see everyday photos of my life as a designer, mom, bonus-mom, food from Greenland and so on, feel free to join:

@arctinista on Instagram :)

kind regards,


 Chicken salad with fresh mozzarella cheese.

Homemade burger with no gluten bread. yummi!
