Have you ever
received “the wakeup call?” … I did in november 2011.
After numerous of
visits to the doctor, they found cancer… yes, the big C!
I had cervical
cancer, and from the moment I got the message I only had two days to tell my
family that I was undergoing surgery – 5 (!) times…
I did not know at
the time it was going to be 5 times surgery –but at the fourth time I gave up
hope. I was tired, exhausted, and just wanted to sleep… untill one doctor told
me, that if they weren´t able to remove the fast moving and last cancer I had
to leave Greenland, go to Denmark and have chemo… alone!
I did not wanted to
leave my kids, so I went into the last surgery, crossed my fingers and hoped
for the best.
5 years later I had
my last medical appointment regarding the cervical cancer.
I am now cancer
Thank you God!
Cancer is one
thing, what it did to me as a person is remarkable... first of all I found the
courage to leave my daytime job and be the fulltime designer of my own brand that
I always dreamt of.
I got a divorce…
And I found the BIG
love of my life. You know the one only seen and talked about in the movies...
And I got more. I
regained the faith in myself, so that I can teach my children that anything is
possible, even if you live in the arctic. – far away from everyone and
Some days I am full
of hope, like today. Other days I fall down with a huge anxiety attack. Anxiety
that the cancer will return in a new form… But if it does, I know I am a
survivor! I beat the cancer once and I will do it again.
For I need to see
what life brings me and my kids, my love and his kids <3
If you are not
fulfilled in your life, either with love to the one, love to your job, let this
be a little wakeup call.
Life is short, we
always think it will happened to the neighbor, but someday maybe it will hit
you… I sure do not hope so. But what iF (?!)
What would you like
to tell the ones you love, YOU did in your life, for yourself and / or for others???
My story (I hope)
will be something like this:
Louise Lynge (soon to be Mrs. Berthelsen). A great Designer from Nuuk, Greenland.
Entrepreneur and mom with a capital M! Blogger and world traveler. Founder of …
( so and so ) , innovator of … (so and so) ..
Never spend her
time regretting – loves big –laughs out loud –wins great in the lottery of
life… and becomes at least 100 years old!
I know I am aiming
high – but that was my life lessing during my cancer
-what will you
regret tomorrow you didn't do yesterday?
Thank you for
With love,
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