Traffic in the Arctic

Or the difficulty of our infrastructure...
Did you know that there aren´t roads between our cities? Why you might Wonder ? ... It´s because of the many Mountains surronding the coast. And it is here most of us lives. On the coast side all around the icecape.
So get from one city to another, you are either to go by boat, helicopter or air plane.
There´s also the fact that the traffic is semi own by our self government, which means there´s  a monopoly on most of our traffic. which again leads to very expensive tickets you can by uphere.
So to go from Nuuk (our capital)  further North, lets say Ilulissat - the biggest tourist visited city in Greenland, you have to take a plane - with one stop in Kangerlussuaq. It is 560 km (or 348 mil) in a straight line by plane. A trip that with the one stop takes  around 2 hours including the stop in Kangerlussuaq.

This weekend I was on this tour, just to do some business in Ilulissat.  The nature up there is rather different from Nuuk. The enormous ice bergs are so different from the small ones surrounding Nuuk in the spring or fall. The nature is stunning!
Anyways, we had one day to go seightseeing. Visit Family and friends. We were supposed to leave at 19.45 pm in the evening, but we were delayed. There are a few caps drivng in Ilulissat on a sunday evening. Due to this some of the hotels have shuttlebusses to the airport. For some reason our shuttle bus never came... we called a cap and waited... and waited..
we were 20 minutes from departure and still waiting.. we called the air traffic office, to let them know we ere on our way. In panic we started waving at any car passing by. After calling the cap Company and finally make them understand that it was an emergency - a cap arrived... At that same time, They phoned us from the airport letting us know that they were going to take off out our luggage.
I might have toold you this earlier, my future husband is the most calm man I know... but at this point he was terrified that we wouldn´t make the plane. I have never seen anyone tell at such a speed not to take off our luggage, not to take off, and then turning to our kick ass taxi driver to speed it up. She was an angel in disguise -she turned on all the turn signals on her cap, passed every car on the little one way road with a precision only worthy of a race car driver with 150 km / hour speed - on a mountain  road with a 40 km/ hour speed limit...
If t wasn´t for her, we would still be in Ilulissat for at least some more days. Due to the tourist season all hotels are fully booked and so are the plane and boat tickets....  BUT WE MADE IT!
And I can truely say "ILOVELISSAT" (- espescially her)
We ran to the plane - they closed the doors and 1 minute after we took off. Looking at each other - gasping for air, totally stressed but at ease.
The air hostess, asked us why we were late, we told her the story. And her epic answer was,:
The traffic in Greenland or lack of it can sometimes delay us too!
So just for a short notice, are you travelling in Greenland be aware of the sometimes difficulties in our infrastructure, but have in mind that the great nature is so totally worth it!

Kind Regards,
