Dear Reader...

I love when I have a moment to sit down and write about my day. I am busy like you wouldn´t know…
I have been working on my next two collections, and right now, I can´t wait to show you my newest designs. Unfortunately you will have to wait until I have received them from my production sight.

One of the things I really want to tell you about, is the process and time it takes to make a collection.
A design in the making starts in my mind. I sometimes have an idea several years before it is made, sometimes I dream of something, wake up and sketch it. It´s never just an easy process. After it has been sketch, the process of finding the right color, and fabric begins. -sometimes the fabric I want doesn´t exist – only in my mind. When this happens I am forced to make a compromise. Or leave the idea for another time.

my drawing here on the left -with my first text: La Moda, later on I changed it to : "AtisaCool" - which means atisa :clothes  (cool clothes). 

The sketches has to be made into a technical drawing with detail descriptions, choose of fabric, colors and so on. By now, I have minimum used 30 days….
Now starts a process of developing a sample that works. It is mail correspondence forth and back at least one or two months more. After approving sample, the work of making the style. When ready it is controlled for quality, color and sizing. -again…
Then it is send to the shop, here I prepare a photo shoot – making the styling on the model – and the style is hung in the shop with price tag and then posted on my Facebook company page.
Again, one or two more months has past. - So you see one (!) style can easily be 5-6 months on its way. The Pricing is sometimes the hard part. A lot of costumers have the habit of comparing my prices with the price of other brands producing 10.000 pcs. Or more per style. I only make 1/10 or so… A lot of times my time is not even calculated into the pricing – just because a shirt cannot cost the price of 5-6 month of salary ;)


From the photoshoot - my beautiful Model Sofie, wearing the final tee with my drawing of tree ladies in each of their National Costumes from each region in Greenland.

But never the less I looooove my job. I take a lot of pride into it. And the money for me isn´t the reason why I am doing what I am doing. The reason for me is that it is my passion to be creative, and to develope innovative ideas, and making beautiful styles for beautiful women.

What is your passion ?

Feel free to comment :)

Kind regards,


Wanna see more of my designs? go to link beneath :) 
